
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Aristotle theory of life

The definition of life is still not found but 2200 yrs back the father of biology Aristotle the philosopher and the teacher of the alexander the great was passionated about the life and on the basis of that he gave his theory ‘spontaneous life’.
He explains that as the word come spontaneous means it happens all of a sudden with the condition of the environment. He gave an example – flies arises from putrid matter, mice from dirty hay etc.
But this theory became controversial when Francesco redi showed that no maggots were appeared in meat when flies were prevented from laying eggs .
And in 1861 louis Pasteur performed a series of experiments that demonstrated that organisms such as bacteria and fungi do not spontaneously appear in sterile, nutrients –rich media, but could only appear by invasion from without.(conversion of milk to curd) he said this is how might be life starts but it doesn't explain the full concept that how life starts???? So now the question remains same what is life??

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